Population and Housing Census 1996
Name | Country code |
Tokelau | TKL |
Population and Housing Census [hh/popcen]
This census is part of the consecutive 5-yearly Censuses of Tokelau conducted by the Office for Tokelau Affairs. The first population counts took place in the late 1800's while the first Tokelauan census in which the Department of Statistics was involved in planning, development and design was the 1986 census. It was then followed by the 1991 census then the latest up-to-date in 1996.
The 1996 Tokelau Census of Population and Dwellings, like the previous censuses, was conducted to provide the administration, planners and policy-makers with up-to-date statistical information on demographic and socio-economic developments. This data is needed for planning purposes, and to evaluate the success and failure of programmes and projects. The 1996 census was conductedaccording to the Tokelau Census Regulations, 1961. These regulations require a census to be carried out every five years. The previous censues was conducted in 1991.
One of the main objectives of the 1996 census was to improve the technical and administrative capabilities of the Planning and Statistics Unit of the Department of Support Services and Finance to enable it to plan, design, execute, process and analyse its population censuses.
Census/enumeration data [cen]
Households and Individuals.
Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file.
-HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, sanitation, water access, energy, waste disposal, household durables, livestock, remittances.
-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, ethnicity, religion, education, economic activities, fertility.
National coverage.
De jure household member (usual residents).
Name | Affiliation |
Tokelau National Statistics Office | Tokelau Government |
Name | Role |
Pacific Community | Technical assistance |
Name | Role |
Government of Tokelau | Funding |
Name | Role |
Statistics New Zealand | Aid and assistance |
Department of Support Services and Fiance | Aid and assistance |
Preparations for the Tokelau census started in 1995, when the SPC Population and Demography Programme was asked to prepare details of the design, costing, collection and processing of the 1996 census questionnaire. The census questionnaire in its final version was approved by the Tokelau Government mid-1996.
Published in English, the questionnaire is divided into 2 main sections:
Start |
1996-11-11 |
Name |
Government of Tokelau |
2 census supervisors were deployed by the Pacific Community (SPC).
There were 8 enumerators during this census. These enumerators were trained by some Pacific Community (SPC) staff at Nukunonu.
Preparations for the Tokelau census started in 1995, when the SPC Population and Demography Programme was asked to prepare details of the design, costing, collection and processing of the 1996 census questionnaire.
During the days before the census, each enumerator visited every household in his or her enumeration district to familiarise people with the census and to check that each dwelling would be occupied on census night (11 November 1996).
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Tokelau National Statistics Office | Tokelau Government | https://www.tokelau.org.nz/Contact.html | tsno@tokelau.org.nz |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | De-identified datasets. |
Licensed datasets.
"Tokelau National Statistics Office, Population and Housing Census 1996 (PHC 1996), Version 01 of the licensed datasets (December 2015) provided by the Pacific Microdata Library. http://pdl.spc.int/index.php/home"
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Tokelau National Statistics Office | Government of Tokelau | tsno@tokelau.org.nz | https://www.tokelau.org.nz/Contact.html |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Statistics for Development Division | Pacific Community | Documentation of the study |
Version 01 (April 2019): This is the first attempt at documenting the Tokelau 1996 Census. It was done by Statistics for Development Division at Noumea, New Caledonia.