Population and Housing Census 2011
Name | Country code |
Cook Islands | COK |
Population and Housing Census [hh/popcen]
This is the ninth census to have ever taken place in the Cook Islands after those from 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006.
The Census provides a unique source of detailed demographic, social and economic data relating to the entire population at a single point in time. The most fundamental questions it will answer concern the size and distribution of the entire population, the extent to which men and women participate in the economy, and the nature of housing and household facilities.
Our country is constantly changing and information collected will allow policy planners to measure the developments of our society and to make decisions about future needs of our communities. Emphasis for the CPD is on renewable energy. Government has set itself policy goals that by 2015, 50 percent of Cook Islands electricity demand will be provided by renewable energy and 100 percent in 2020. Culture has also been identified as a priority of Government.
The topic content of the 2011 Census has been driven principally by the demands and requirements of users of census statistics, the evaluation of the 2006 Census, and the priorities of the Government as stated in its manifesto, and the advice and guidance of organisations with experience of similar operations. These have been determined by extensive consultations with various Ministries of government and non government organizations (NGO).
The topics proposed for the census are those most needed by the major users of census information and questions have been devised to produce reliable and accurate data. In each case, no other comparable and accessible source of the information is available in combination with other items in the census.
In assessing which topics should be included in the census, Statistics Office has had to consider a number of factors. The criteria for evaluating the strength of users' requirements for information were that:
· there should be a clearly demonstrated and significant need
· the information collected was of major national importance
· users' requirements could not adequately be met by information from other sources
· there should be a requirement for multivariate analysis (that is the ability to cross-analyze one variable against other), and
· there should be consideration of the ability for comparison with the 2006 Census wherever possible
Census/enumeration data [cen]
Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file.
This documentation is using the dataset that was acquired in August 2019 during a South-South mission between Tonga and Cook Islands. The datasets were originally in Excel format and were then exported to Stata (12).
-HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, water supply, energy, toilet, tradition, communication & technology, waste management, involvment in agriculture, fishing, farming, equipment, transport.
-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, disability, literacy and language, information & technology, education, economic activity, income, narcotics, cultural activities and fertility.
National coverage.
A Dwelling Questionnaire must be completed for every occupied dwelling as at midnight on Census Night. A Personal Questionnaire must be completed for each and every man, woman and child alive at midnight on Census Night within the geographical boundaries of the Cook Islands, excluding those persons on foreign vessels, yachts and aircraft flying through or stopping temporarily (transit).
Name | Affiliation |
Cook Islands Statistics Office | Ministry of Finance and Economic Management |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Statistics for Development Division | Pacific Community (SPC) | Technical assistance (questionnaire design & data processing) |
Vanuatu National Statistics Office | Goverment of Vanuatu | Technical assistance (data processing) |
Name | Role |
Cook Islands Government | Budget appropriation |
Secreatariat of the Pacific Community | Technical Assistance |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Supervisors | CPD 2011 | Fieldwork supervisor |
Enumerators | CPD 2011 | Fieldwork |
National Statistics Staff | CPD 2011 | Training of Supervisors and Enumerators |
National Police Headquarters | CPD 2011 | Transport to Northern Group of Islands |
The questionnaire which was published in English, can be found as External Resources.
The questionnaire of the early Cook Islands censuses was limited; they consisted oh head counts only. With the passage of time, the topics covered by the questionnaires expanded. Gradually, questions on sex, age, marital status, religion, education, employment, etc have been included. Questions on unpaid work and income earned were included for the first time in the 1996 Census. In the 2011 Census, questions on renewable energy and culture was included.
The questionnaire of the 2011 Census of Cook Islands is divided into 2 main forms:
-Dwelling form: which covers topics like: Household characteristics, water supply, energy, toilet, tradition, communication & technology, waste management, involvment in agriculture, fishing, farming, equipment, transport.
-Personal form: which covers topics like: Individual characteristics, disability, literacy and language, information & technology, education, economic activity, income, narcotics, cultural activities and fertility.
The topic content of the 2011 Census has been driven principally by the demands and requirements of users of census statistics, the evaluation of the 2006 Census, and the priority of government as stated in this Governments Manifesto, and the advice and guidance of organizations with experience of similar operations. These have been determined by extensive consultation with various Ministries of government and NGO's.
Emphasis for this Census was on Renewable Energy and Cultural Statistics. Government had set itself a policy goal that 50 percent of its electricity demands to be provided by renewable energy in 2015 and 100 percent in 2020.
The 2011 Census questionnaire is designed to be machine readable that is questionnaires will be scanned.
Start | End | Cycle |
2011-11-21 | 2011-11-30 | Pre Census enumeration |
2011-12-02 | 2011-12-09 | Post Census enumeration |
Start date | End date | Cycle |
2011-12-01 | 2011-12-01 | Census day |
Name | Affiliation |
Cook Islands Statistics Office | Ministry of Finance and Economic Management |
Efforts to mobilize field enumerators have been slow but as of end of July, 20 Field Supervisors and 120 Field Enumerators were confirmed.
Transportation - Transportation to the Northern Group has always been difficult and expensive. Arrangements have been made with Police Department for the use of the patrol boat "Te Kukupa" to transport staff and census materials to the Northern Group islands. Cost of chartering Te Kukupa is estimated to $47k and plans to cost share with other agencies are now being negotiated.
Currently the date of taking of the census is at the beginning of festive periods where the population is very mobile. Last Census we had to enumerate the "Tere Parties" (travelling groups) in Rarotonga and repatriate them back to their island of usual resident. We will identify a time where the population is at least stationary.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Government Statistician | Cook Islands Statistics Office | www.mfem.gov.ck | taggy@mfem.gov.ck |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | The Census of Population and Dwellings 2011 is being conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, 1966. The particular provisions relating to this census is set out in sections 18 to 25 of the Act. Other sections of the Act that apply are the secrecy provisions that provide against the release or publication of any individual particulars. The secrecy provisions of the Statistics Act, 1966 (section 17) apply in full to all census officers. Part 3 of the Act provides for a fine for improperly divulging information. Before the commencement of duties all census staff will have taken a statutory declaration of secrecy. Every person commits an offence that obstructs or get in the way of any persons employed to carry out their duties or exercising any functions under this Act. Penalties are stipulated in the Statistics Act 1966. |
Licensed datasets, accessible under conditions.
"Cook Islands Statistics Office, Population and Housing Census (PHC 2011), Version 01 of the licensed datasets (July 2012), provided by the Microdata Library. https://microdata.pacificdata.org/index.php/home"
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c) 2012 , Cook Islands Statistics Office
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Cook Islands Statistics Office | Ministry of Finance and Economic Management | statsinfo@cookislands.gov.ck | http://www.mfem.gov.ck/statistics/contact-us-stats |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Kevin Hosking | Senior Statistics Officer | Data Processing Manager/Documentation |
Statistics for Development Division | Pacific Community | Review of the documentation |
Version 01 (July 2012).
Version 02 (August 2019): This is the review of the existing documentation. This version consists of adding a dataset with documented variables. Done in Noumea, New Caledonia by the Statistics for Development Division (SPC).