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Lau, C L, C H Watson, J H Lowry, M C David, S B Craig, S J Wynwood, M Kama, and E J Nilles. "Human leptospirosis infection in Fiji: an eco-epidemiological approach to identifying risk factors and environmental drivers for transmission." PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10, no. 1 (2016): e0004405.
Journal Article
Lau, Colleen L, Conall H Watson, John H Lowry, Michael C David, Scott B Craig, Sarah J Wynwood, Mike Kama, and Eric J Nilles. "Human leptospirosis infection in Fiji: an eco-epidemiological approach to identifying risk factors and environmental drivers for transmission." PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10, no. 1 (2016): e0004405.
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Tabunga, Utiera, Tekoaua, Tibwe, Tira, Toatu, Duituturaga, Nilles, and Craig. "Response to a large rotavirus outbreak on South Tarawa, Kiribati, 2013." Western Pacific surveillance and response journal: WPSAR 5, no. 2 (2014): 9.
Journal Article
Tabunga, Teanibuaka, Maryanne Utiera, Rosemary Tekoaua, Tebikau Tibwe, Teatao Tira, Tebuka Toatu, Sala Elbourne Duituturaga, Eric Nilles, and Adam Craig. "Response to a large rotavirus outbreak on South Tarawa, Kiribati, 2013." Western Pacific surveillance and response journal: WPSAR 5, no. 2 (2014): 9-9.
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