Pacific CEED legacy projects and local projects: Culturally tailored promising practices to prevent breast and cervical cancer in the US affiliated Pacific Island jurisdictions

Type Journal Article - International Public Health Journal
Title Pacific CEED legacy projects and local projects: Culturally tailored promising practices to prevent breast and cervical cancer in the US affiliated Pacific Island jurisdictions
Volume 5
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
Page numbers 8-8
Publisher Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
From October 2008 to September 2010, the Pacific Center
of Excellence in the Elimination of Disparities (CEED)
awarded 29 one year grants to projects serving Pacific
Islanders in the US Affiliated Pacific Islands and Hawai`i.
These projects promote culturally tailored approaches
addressing cancer prevention, education, and control in the
Pacific and include promising practices documentation and
sustainability plans. Pacific CEED Promising Practices and
evaluation reports were reviewed, with lessons learned
identified for replication, adaptation, and dissemination
throughout the USAPI. Qualitative content analysis was
conducted by reviewing 19 Promising Practices Reports.
An inductive and thematic coding approach was employed
to identify factors related to promising practices, lessons
learned, and project sustainability. It was found that
collaborations with community partners contributed to the
successful implementation of the Pacific CEED projects by
engaging community participation and promoting
leadership from committed community coordinators. Thus
Pacific CEED Legacy and Local Projects reveal attributes
of promising approaches for implementing and sustaining
culturally tailored programs, policies, and practices to
prevent cancer among Pacific Islanders within their unique,
resource limited communities.