Author(s) |
Economic Policy Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO) Pacific Community (SPC) World Bank Group Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) International Labour Organization (ILO) Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) |
Date |
2022-07-01 |
Country |
Marshall Isld. |
Language |
English |
Contributor(s) |
World Bank Group Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) International Labour Organization (ILO) Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) |
Publisher(s) |
Economic Policy Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO) Pacific Community (SPC) |
Description |
This file is the Compendium of analysis of the 2019/20 Household Income and Expenditure Survey of Marshall Islands. It presents information presents information on poverty, food consumption, labour and household income and expenditure. |
Abstract |
The Republic of the Marshall Islands 2019–2020 Household Income and Expenditure Survey (2019/20 HIES), implemented by the Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office, resulted in a dataset that can be used to better understand the economic and social situation of Marshallese households and people and their collective contribution to the macroeconomy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI).
In macroeconomic applications, the 2019/20 HIES dataset was produced to support the update of the household (HH) consumption and production components of gross domestic product, and to rebase the consumption basket used in computing consumer price indices. The dataset also provides information the national labour market for estimation of essential economic statistics, such as unemployment, and also those relating to Decent Work, such as equality and equity in access to work and social protection.
In microeconomic applications, the 2019/20 HIES dataset has been used to estimate HH consumption expenditure and dietary energy consumption, which is used to estimate the prevalence of basic-needs poverty and food insecurity.
More generally, the 2019/20 HIES dataset is rich with social and economic information about Marshallese HHs and people, and it can therefore be used as an information source to form policy and to plan and monitor progress towards achieving the RMI National Strategic Plan 2020–2030 (NSP). |
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