Population and Housing Census 2010
No translated Title
Name | Country code |
Federated States of Micronesia | FSM |
Population and Housing Census [hh/popcen]
The 2010 Census is the 12th round of census conducted in the FSM, and the 3rd FSM-Wide census that the overall implementation is the responsibility of the NSO. The 2010 Census was a de-jure count, with the reference date of April 4, 2010.
The first systematically organized census was conducted in 1920 during the Japanese era and continued in 1925, 1930 and 1935.
The TTPI High Commissioner's Office took a TTPI-wide census in 1958. In 1967 the first census was conducted during the American trusteeship to enumerate the population as of a specific date (March 26, 1967), which was followed by the 1970 Decennial Census. In 1973, the TTPI administration collected another census after finding serious deficiencies in the 1970 Decennial Census. The 1980 Census was the second decennial Census. The reliability of the data of the 1980 Census was questioned particularly in the coverage of the population. However, these problems were mainly due to definition.
Independent Era - As a consequence another census was commissioned under the law enacted by the Congress of Micronesia, and was conducted with the assistance of the South Pacific Commission. This Census however turned into four individual censuses, conducted in each state at different points in time - 1985 (Pohnpei), 1986 (Kosrae), 1987 (Yap) and 1989 (Chuuk). These censuses are often referred to as the mid-decade censuses. Although the results of these censuses were very accurate, the fact that they were conducted at different points in time and asked differing questions presented a problem in comparing and aggregating the figures to a national count.
The 1994 Census was the first FSM census that the FSM Government is the primary implementer initiated, and then followed by the 2000 Census.
Census/enumeration data [cen]
Name |
FSM Division of Statistics |
Not applicable as Census is full coverage
Not applicable as Census is full coverage
Not applicable as Census is full coverage
Not applicable as Census is full coverage
The Questionnaire format was basically structured after the 2000 Census questionnaire, however, there modifications made to its content (question structure) in terms of question revision, deletion, and insetion.
These modifications were guided by contributions from the relevant departments/agencies (i.e., FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs, States' Department of Agriculture, etc)
There are three forms used in the collection of the 2010 Census data
Questionnaire: This is the main data collection form, with 11 pages. It has 3 main sections - Geographic ID section (page 1), Housing and Household Questioons section (page 2), and the Persons Questions section (pages 3 to 10).
Start | End |
2010-04-04 | 2010-04-18 |
The data was collected by Enumerators and Crewleaders in each of the four states.
In Yap, two enumerator sessions were conducted, one for Yap Proper enumerators and another Outer Islands enumerators
Name | URL | |
(FSM) NSO Head - Assistant Director | http://www.sboc.fm | fsmstat@sboc.fm |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Confidentiality of information is guaranteed by Section 9 of the FSM Public Law 5-77, otherwise known as the Statistics and Census Act of 1988. According to the Act, all information collected by the FSM Statistics Unit -- whether from an individual, business, or organization -- will be kept in confidence. This means that any officer or employee of the Statistics Unit, including any contracted persons, provided with data pursuant to Section 11 of the above act, shall not: 1. Use the information for any purpose other than for the purpose of conducting a census, sample survey, gathering statistical data, or for compiling and disseminating tabulations or other statistical materials. 2. Make any publication whereby the data furnished by any particular establishment or individual can be identified. 3. Permit anyone other than sworn employees of the Statistics Unit to examine the individual reports. This confidentiality clause is extended to contracted data colletors (enumerators and crewleaders) as well via the "oath of employee". For details of the Act and the Oath refer to the External Sources. |
FSM Statistics Office, Census of Population and Housing 2010 (CENSUS 2000), Version 1.0 of the public use dataset (April 2001), provided by the National Data Archive. www.nda_popstan.org
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Assistant Director | FSM Division of Statistics | fsmstat@sboc.fm | www.sboc.fm |
Name | Role |
Brihmer Johnson | Documentation of the Study |
Version 01 (July 2012). This is the original version